How to add scss to your Angular project fast

scss new niece

Of course as always there is a TLDR thing somewhere down there.
I come across this from time to time and I normally forget all about it…then I just end up always using css (come on I can not be the only one)

Lets get to it, you have either built or going to build an angular project. In the past i have seen it ask and say “you wanna css, scs,s sasax and …” other options.
so i’d normally select scss and then it just worked.

If you have already built an angular project then run the following line of code.

ng config schematics.@schematics/ scss

This should add the style as scss in your angular.json package
for more in-depth detail you can read up on the source. on the one that has 557 votes oh wait 558.

if you get the following error:
“Error Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve PATH in PATH or “didn’t return string.

Be sure to update your component’s style location cause it will still point to your component.css file

In the reference above, they also show you how to add scss to a new project by use of the following command:

ng new NEWANGULARPROJECTNAME --style=scss 

Ok that’s it good luck
If this solution did not work for you, please feel free to comment. I know there never is a solution for everything.

Angular how to generate a new project in to a specific directory

bird and snow

When you are starting you just don’t know what you can do at times. I have been in a situation where I already have a file on where I want to put my new Angular project but sadly my folder structure gets messed up completely.

POST note: You will need to have installed the Angular CLI first before doing this step.

So use this command line below to create an Angular project and place said project into a specific directory of your choosing:


ng new angular-project --directory=./new-angular-project-file

This should sort you out. In development its important to keep your work space clean especially your git repo. It doesn’t reflect well if your repo is being reviewed or checked out.

JavaScript Changing types from string to number


I figure the image would be appropriate for south Africans even though the image is from the Netherlands but thats nether here or there.


Talking more JavaScript here, a developer may been in a situation where one is needing to change types of a certain variables. This is called type conversion. At times you may be in a position to change a type of variable to get a certain function to execute.

The two ways I know how how to cast a string to a number are the following:

var year = '1985'; // set to string

// for interest or certain validation you can 
// use typeof to verify the type, 
// will be doing this for the examples below:

console.log(typeof year, year);
// expected output: string 1985

// Variable year has been set to a string now for the magic

// option 1: Casting
console.log(typeof Number(year), Number(year));
// expected output: number 1985

// option 2: Method
console.log(typeof parseInt(year), parseInt(year));

// expected output: number 1985

Lets say you want to change a number into a string, that is also possible using casting as well as the toString() function.

var year = 1985; // declared as a number

// Using typeof to verify the type same as above sample

// will be doing this for the examples below:

console.log(typeof year, year);
// expected output: number 1985

// Variable year has been set to a string now for the magic

// option 1: Casting
console.log(typeof String(year), Number(year));
// expected output: string 1985

// option 2: Method
console.log(typeof (year).toString(), (year).toString);

// expected output: string 1985

That is all for today.

[Dev Notes] setup git credentials globally and quick

steamy gate

This happens from time to time when you are setting up a new machine or getting a new machine or a machine has just gone broke. Now you have to login with your credentials every time…no thank you!

So seeing that I have had to dig around a few times I decided to take my own notes to know where to go

How to check your current git credentials or if you have one

git config --list

Now you’ll either see a load of details or not too much happening in the console(if not much action be sure to install git to your machine first). However look for the and values. they should contain your git username and git email address.

How to set git credentials globally

$ git config --global John_Doe
$ git config --global

After adding your details you can check it out by following the first step to check if all has been set correctly.

There are more details for adding git credentials locally there may be an instance where you require another account to access another repo.

for more details here is my source

JavaScript What is hoisting?

adorable niece

Very important concept to understand, I’ll need to start with some context.

Context of Hoisting

We need to understand the life cycle of code and there are two main phases code goes through. The Creation Phase and the Execution Phase.

When does hoisting happen?

During the Creation Phase, the program will set all the global variables and if there are var variables declared they will be initialized with the value of ‘undefined’, upon the programs Execution Phase this will assign the value officially to the variable if the var is above the invoked function.

MDN definition:

The var statement declares a function-scoped or globally-scoped variable, optionally initializing it to a value.

My understanding of hoisting is:

The process of a variable(var, let, const) declaration a default value of undefined during the creation phase. Functions on the other hand upon starting up of the program are stored in memory source
Been through a few tuts and this guy explains it well enough for me to understand

The above tutorial also goes through other important concepts of JavaScript functions and their behavior when invoked.

Angular active router link

merryxmas lego

Merry Xmas and there isn’t a TLDR on this post but there is an angular 10 git project repo below! stay safe wear a mask properly and take care of yourselves.

I assure you that this is easier than you think it is. Firstly you’ll need to add the active rout class to your css or scss,

I’ll be honest I went a bit overboard with the styles but ya its for demonstrative purposes I swear

Side Note I would love some feedback on if my image snippets are helpful or readable.
You want to place some code in your style sheets for the active state style.

.nav ul li {
    font-weight: 600;
    color: white;

// or just simply
.active {
     font-weight: 600;
     color: white;

You want to import this active router functionality into this project so go to your project modules. This snippet is in the context of my project by the way so just note the RouterModule.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HomeComponent } from './components/home/home.component';
import { PageOneComponent } from './components/page-one/page-one.component';
import { PageTwoComponent } from './components/page-two/page-two.component';
import { PageThreeComponent } from './components/page-three/page-three.component';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { NavbarComponent } from './components/navbar/navbar.component';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: 'page-one', component: PageOneComponent },
  { path: 'page-two', component: PageTwoComponent },
  { path: 'page-three', component: PageThreeComponent },
  { path: '**', component: HomeComponent }

]; // sets up routes constant where you define your routes

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [RouterModule],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Note the export and imports above, be sure to place it in the correct style sheet. From there active your navigation styles tags like so.

<nav class="nav">
      <li><a routerLink="/home" routerLinkActive="active">home </a></li>
      <li><a routerLink="/page-one" [routerLinkActive]="['active']">page-one</a></li>
      <li><a routerLink="/page-two" [routerLinkActive]="['active']">page-two</a></li>
      <li><a routerLink="/page-three" [routerLinkActive]="['active']">page-three</a></li>

Npm install and make sure nothing is missing and you should be well on your way with the active styles triggering per active link match. For a working example checkout my github project.

For a deeper implementation referencing parents and ancestors please be sure to take a look at the following post.

[newbie] sticky footer css, a solution

its my mums


The sticky footer. If you have been searching for a while then i think you know what a sticky footer is by now (if not here is a good explanation of one. The challenge is that there is no short way of doing “position stay down please” like so:


You sadly need to know what is going on and what other components/elements are invovled in order to get the position of the footer right at all times…sticky footer style kinda times.

So we now know that there is no one position solution and no position: “sticky” is not an option<insert sarcastic tone>

please note the styles, the colors are horrible.

I tried with the min-height set to 100%, but no dice for me for some reason. The sticky footer is a tricky concept to catch. You need to understand the position property and also its relationship with the absolute position.

Think of the absolute position… its relative to the other style/component overall position.

(had to add a pause when proof reading the sentence)

If this doesn’t work..i would only imagine that the scope of your relative element is not aware of the style that has the position of absolute. Its ….relative to your project and how its structured.

The margin and padding being set to zero is to make sure that the “min-height” takes on the full page. In some cases you may not want to have a scroll bar showing when the page is blank.


Of course this is what worked and made sense to me i’m open to update this post or remove it entirely 🙂 have a great evening. (Yes this is a repost on a footer topic that i tried to cover and understand and to which i didn’t understand, so this should work i’m sure of it)

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.wrapper {
    min-height: 100vh;
    position: relative;
    background-color: rgb(227, 228, 231);

.content {
    min-height: 100%;

.footer {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    color: rgb(42, 63, 121);
    height: 100px;
    bottom: 0px;
    left: 0px;


html, body style updates is to ensure that the wrapper class takes in the whole screen size without padding

.wrapper has that min-height: 100vh (100% of the view height of the screen/device,
position is relative, think of it as a note of where this element is

.footer position absolute, accordance to the relative positioned element
bottom and left refers to setting the element relative to the other element and
place element at the 0th bottom left px of the screen…of the element

Sadly i only have an angular sample project, but it is better than nothing and the results stay the same this uses basic css and works on IE so.. apparently flex box and sticky footer doesn’t work for IE so i could be corrected on this.

Repo for your tinkering: tony2tones github

[newbie]Dev notes: Basic checklist when starting a feature

As always there is a TLDR. Its been a while and yes everyday i’m still learning so much about myself and yadda yadda lets get on with it.

Thankfully i am blessed to work at a company where ‘Process is King’ (although this can be a good and bad thing…but that’s another story). As part of said process when it comes to stories/features we have a definition of “Ready”, this is a super important concept. This means that all questions have answers and you know as much as you can about the task/feature and there is no blockers or dependencies (i won’t go into detail but that could be anything from does the project actually run locally to do you need an API up for said feature to have you spoke to Big Phil yet?)

Each story/feature normally has its challenges and there are always unknowns and weird surprises…normally they just eat away at your time. These are the things you and the team will need to be concerned about and the developer that will carry this feature will need to make a decision if they are ready or not.

Now for the list , this is in no particular order.
*checklist listed here is credited to my current mentor fyi.


  1. Do you have the requirements/BRS/documentation and have you read over the functional specs for the story?
  2. Are there any dependencies?
  3. Does the project I’m working on for this story run on my machine?
  4. Do you have a high level understanding of the story?
  5. Have you thought loosely about an implementation strategy?
  6. Do you have the designs necessary
  7. Is there a chance that you may have left the fridge open?

Overall there is always a lot of things to be aware of. The above list will help in most cases perhaps your project requires more particular checks before you can be “Ready to Dev”.

Of course if you feel that you do not understand the story or feel its too much for you or something on your checklist is not met, you must speak up to your Business Analyst or Project manager. This is super important to not set yourself up for failure.*

I am not saying that this list will take care of all the checks you need, but make a list that makes sense to you. This post is just expressing my opinion based on my experience so i’m happy to adjust my posts if they are not fair or correct….or if i have to add anything else
Have a great day.

Readers contributions

If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright.

Aaren Reggis Sela

firebase init command not found


TLDR below, as for now work has been more challenging and only now i’ve started working on some personal projects..well just project.

To become more familiar with firebase I went through this tutorial and it gets you up and connected. Also shows you the basic crud calls which is handy.

I started a new project and tried to follow the tutorial and I wanted to firebase init but the command was not found. Seeing that i’ll probably come across this again i have decided to make a lil dev note on this.


Macbook:projectName tony$ firebase init
-bash: firebase: command not found
Macbook:projectName tony$ npm install -g firebase-tools

Install firebase tools globally by installing the following rpm package

npm install -g firebase-tools

There is also a chance that you are not signed into firebase yet. The terminal should prompt you to run “firebase login”.

firebase login

After successfully logging in you can run the following command

firebase init

Have a great day and good luck

[newbie] How to add flags on Angular Fast

I am assuming you have already built your angular app.
As always lets cut to it.

Html syntax required:

// Lists country flags
<div *ngFor="let country of countries">
        <li class="item">
          <a class="flag-icon flag-icon-{{ country.code }}"></a>
          {{ }}
// Hardcode flag
 <a class="flag-icon flag-icon-za></a>

The above sample code will list some flags that have been populated by the countries array. Here is a countries array I made you can use to get started.

 countries: Country[] = [
      name: "South Africa",
      code: "za",
      name: "France",
      code: "fr",
      name: "Switzerland",
      code: "ch",

Add this line of code from CDN in your index file’s <header> tag.
Should look something like this if you not sure.

You’re DONE!
If you are having any troubles you can take a look at
the repo goodbye , good luck and stay safe.