How do I add a Fancy github ribbon, this is the fastest way I know

If you want the story version you can continue reading, if you want to solution i found then skip to the bottom of the page. 😉

I was recently updating my rock paper scissors game to work on mobile sized screens.

The mobile screen adjustments took me some time, because I learned only after i finishing my css, making all my styles for desktop use only. I found out that most people will browse this link via their mobile phones and so my beta was a disaster in mobile views… but i digress.

Anthony Marques 2019

Aaaand when I was done, I was very proud of the results. I even figured lets make this public, so i shared my work of art on Reddit waiting for the likes to come rolling in.

BUT i got flagged for showing off by the mods…which they were more or less correct. I wanted to show the world what i have done, but then they insisted of the following rules:

Only one thing came into mind, i need to add a fork me on github ribbon, it sounded like a sure fire way for my rps game to be accepted by the JavaScript sub. I needed to know how to do this.

Then i came across this little site. This was basically the answer to what I was looking for. I did try to find other ways of implementing it, but i needed a quick solution

<a href="">
<img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub">

Just update that href with your github site and you are good to go, enjoy forking and sharing.

Here is the end result!

rps game mobile view

Here is a link to the ROCK PAPER SCISSORS game i made your avator which is me takes on real damage. feel free to take a looky