JavaScript Changing types from string to number

I figure the image would be appropriate for south Africans even though the image is from the Netherlands but thats nether here or there.


Talking more JavaScript here, a developer may been in a situation where one is needing to change types of a certain variables. This is called type conversion. At times you may be in a position to change a type of variable to get a certain function to execute.

The two ways I know how how to cast a string to a number are the following:

var year = '1985'; // set to string

// for interest or certain validation you can 
// use typeof to verify the type, 
// will be doing this for the examples below:

console.log(typeof year, year);
// expected output: string 1985

// Variable year has been set to a string now for the magic

// option 1: Casting
console.log(typeof Number(year), Number(year));
// expected output: number 1985

// option 2: Method
console.log(typeof parseInt(year), parseInt(year));

// expected output: number 1985

Lets say you want to change a number into a string, that is also possible using casting as well as the toString() function.

var year = 1985; // declared as a number

// Using typeof to verify the type same as above sample

// will be doing this for the examples below:

console.log(typeof year, year);
// expected output: number 1985

// Variable year has been set to a string now for the magic

// option 1: Casting
console.log(typeof String(year), Number(year));
// expected output: string 1985

// option 2: Method
console.log(typeof (year).toString(), (year).toString);

// expected output: string 1985

That is all for today.