Code review notes

As always there is a TLDR section highlighted in bold.
These are just my personal notes and some tips and tricks I have picked up from my peers in my current job and naturally very open to any feedback on my topics I post.

Code Reviews

Now, I would normally use the prettier formatter to organize my code, but at my job I was advised not to do that due to some of the code being in a layout that is easier to read and work with. My auto formatter happens to mess it up, so I started to check my code format by eye, which is far from efficient and takes a bit of time ..sometimes. I just felt I had to share why I cannot just use a auto formatter.

Check list


  • Use your editor search for console logs and remove ’em
  • Also removed unused code/imports to your project
  • use ESLint and make sure it passes (this is my next post trying to set it up now)
  • Run your unit tests, I’ve had my review approved and be denied by unit tests failing
  • Important make sure your naming conventions make sense so other developers can follow
  • Personally I think it is perfectly fine to leave commented notes on certain methods that are helpful! Such as // This section cleans up the goods and returns so and so
  • Create the PR ( Peer Review/ Merge Request..etc) and go through the comparison. The layout shows exactly where changes have been made and I tend to catch a lot of my syntactical errors at this point.

That’s all I have for now, these tips came from my colleagues and also through my own experiences. Checking is good but checking only once is even better.
Good luck and I hope to hear some comments on this one.

One Reply to “Code review notes”

  1. Greetings

    Create a style guide for your team so that everyone is on the same page when it comes to naming conventions, formatting, etc.

    Use the google style guide for whatever language you are using as a base and then extend it as needed.

    Good luck

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