How to setup a React project from Scratch with Webpack 4

(tutorial link is a little down below if you don’t want to hear my testimony 😛 )
When I started my adventure of Learning React, going through Facebook’s React tutorials and starting a simple app with the famous, simple, easy to use create-react-app. I thought well this is easy.

When looking up to my colleagues for some advice in getting myself into the React scene and becoming a React Developer. they told me if you want to be taken seriously you have got to know how to create a React project from Scratch.

I heard the framework Webpack being mentioned(yes there are many others don’t worry, but this is what I’ve been exposed to). I went to a colleague for some guidance on how to setup a project from scratch using webpack, i think it was webpack 3.somethingorother.3^ and I was completely lost confused and out of my depth…distraught, flabbergasted, bamboozled, hoodwinked the works.

Problem was I knew I had to learn how to do this. I was searching the net to find a nice tutorial to help me setup a project using webpack and Luckily I came across this tutorial which helped me setup a project from Scratch using webpack

Here is the tutorial:

I do hope that this helps you as much as it helped me…by actually taking me through the steps and getting a working project from Scratch using webpack 4.


I’ll probably be posting a few tutorials on this blog to help others where I’ve been struggling.