Generate new Angular project in specific directory

*solution I came across is at the bottom of the post. If you want to read about my experience then just keep on reading*.

I normally come across this issue when i haven’t created a new angular project in a while. Making the directory of such project before building the project using the Angular CLI. So you have made a file called ‘this-is-where-my-project-will-live’. When you say


You will find that a new file has been generated and it’ll be looking something like this or you would need to drill down further into your file to get to the project itself.

So you think to yourself well, i might as well just cut and paste the entire project and….well forget that, here is an easier way.

To set where you want your project to be build use this little code snippet.


ng new MYAMAZINGNEWAPPTHATIVEALWAYSWANTEDTOMAKE --directory ./this-is-where-my-project-will-live

This will build your solution exactly into the specified directory, here is the sauce. The project will still have the same name, but will be located in folder that you have specified in the cmd.

hope that this helps you guys out